What is EMDR Like?

How Does EMDR Therapy Work?

"What is EMDR Therapy and How Does it Work?" is a question you may be asking yourself. EMDR therapy, or Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing, is a scientifically supported psychotherapy primarily used for PTSD, as well as other anxiety and trauma-related conditions. This therapy is characterized by an eight-phase treatment approach, utilizing the patient’s own rapid, rhythmic eye movements. These eye movements are integral in reducing the intensity of emotionally charged memories from traumatic events. By dampening the power of these memories, EMDR therapy in Springfield, MO aids in alleviating stress and anxiety associated with them.

Understanding EMDR Therapy

The core principle of EMDR therapy is its belief in the mind's ability to heal from psychological trauma, analogous to how the body recovers from physical trauma. To understand this, consider a physical injury: when you cut your hand, the body naturally begins to heal the wound. However, if the wound is aggravated or exposed to harmful elements, it festers and causes pain. Similarly, EMDR therapy posits that the mind strives to achieve mental health, but traumatic events can block or unbalance this natural process, leading to prolonged suffering. EMDR aims to remove these mental blocks, thereby allowing the mind to resume its healing process.

What are the 8 Steps of EMDR?

EMDR Therapy unfolds in eight significant phases, each essential to the comprehensive healing process. Here's an expanded look at each step:

History Taking: 

This initial phase involves a thorough exploration of the patient's past experiences and current psychological needs. The therapist gathers information to understand the full context of the patient's life, identifying key areas and traumatic events that may be contributing to present challenges.


In this stage, the therapist introduces the client to EMDR, explaining the process and the techniques used, such as eye movements or other bilateral stimulation. This step is crucial for building trust and ensuring the client feels safe and informed about what to expect in therapy.


The therapist and client collaborate to identify specific target memories for treatment. These are usually traumatic or distressing experiences that are causing current psychological distress. The therapist helps the client pinpoint the negative beliefs associated with these memories.


The core part of EMDR involves focusing on the target memory while simultaneously inducing bilateral stimulation, typically through guided eye movements. This process is believed to lessen the emotional impact of the memory.


This step aims to strengthen positive beliefs. Once the distress from the target memory has been reduced, the therapist helps the client anchor positive beliefs about themselves in relation to the memory, replacing the old, negative beliefs.

Body Scan: 

The therapist asks the client to think of the target memory and then to notice any physical sensations in the body. This step checks for any residual somatic response linked to the traumatic memory and further processes any lingering disturbances.


Essential for ensuring the client's stability, this phase brings the client back to a state of equilibrium at the end of each session. The therapist may use calming techniques to ensure the client leaves the session feeling grounded and safe.


In subsequent sessions, the therapist assesses the client's progress. They review the work done on the targeted memories and decide on the next steps, whether it’s addressing new target memories or further processing existing ones.

Each of these steps is tailored to the individual's experiences and responses, making EMDR a flexible and client-centered approach to therapy in southern Missouri.

Image of a woman typing on a grey laptop. Showing what it can look like getting ready for online EMDR therapy in Missouri. Showing that you can meet with an EMDR therapist anywhere in Springfield or southern Missouri.

Is In-person EMDR Therapy More Effective?

The effectiveness of EMDR therapy often leads to questions like, "Is in-person EMDR therapy more effective?" While EMDR can be conducted both in-person and remotely, in-person sessions may provide a more immersive experience. The physical presence of a trained EMDR therapist can add a layer of comfort and safety, especially when processing deeply rooted traumas. However, the flexibility of remote sessions can be beneficial for those with busy lifestyles or limited access to in-person therapy.

Is EMDR Therapy Like Hypnosis?

A common inquiry is about the similarity between EMDR and hypnosis. While both involve altered states of awareness, they are distinct practices. EMDR Therapy Meaning revolves around bilateral stimulation and direct focus on trauma, while hypnosis typically involves guiding someone into a deeply relaxed state to explore thoughts and feelings. EMDR does not induce a trance-like state as hypnosis does.

Closing Thoughts About How EMDR Therapy Works

In the heart of Springfield, MO, Seen Therapy brings a personalized and empathetic approach to EMDR therapy. Rooted in understanding each client's unique journey, i offer a path towards healing and growth. EMDR is more than a therapy; it's a tool that empowers individuals to reclaim their narrative and find peace. With the combination of professional expertise and a nurturing environment, Seen Therapy is dedicated to guiding you through each step of this transformative process.

Reach Out to an EMDR Therapist in Springfield, MO today!

Are you ready to embark on a journey towards healing and self-discovery?

At my Springfield-based therapy practice, I am committed to providing you with a supportive and tailored therapeutic experience. Our doors are open for both in-person and remote sessions, adapting to your unique needs and lifestyle. Contact us today by calling 417-708-7909 or filling out this contact form. So that way you can learn more about EMDR therapy from an experienced therapist in Missouri. Get support as you start turning a new page in your life's story. Your path to healing begins here, with EMDR therapy in Springfield, MO.


What is EMDR Effective For?


What to expect in EMDR